1. Installing the ROSCO tools

Depending on what is needed, a user can choose to use just the ROSCO controller or to use both the ROSCO controller and the toolbox. Both the controller and the toolbox should be installed if one wishes to leverage the full ROSCO toolchain.

For users who wish to use the ROSCO toolbox (with or without the controller), please skip to the section on section ROSCO Toolbox Structure. For users planning to only download and compile the ROSCO controller, please follow the instructions on ROSCO controller. For information on best practices to update to the most recent version of the ROSCO toolbox, see Updating the ROSCO Toolbox.

1.1. ROSCO controller

The standard ROSCO controller is based in Fortran and must be compiled; this code can be found at: https://github.com/NREL/ROSCO. Of course, the advanced user can compile the downloaded code using their own desired methods (e.g. Visual Studio). Otherwise, a few of the more common compiling methods are detailed on this page. Additionally, the most recent tagged version releases are available for download.

If one wishes to download the code via the command line, we provide two supported options in the subsections below. For non-developers (those not interested in modifying the source code), the a 64-bit version of the compiled controller can be downloaded via Anaconda. For users needing a 32-bit version on Windows and/or developers, CMake can be used to compile the Fortran code.

1.1.1. Anaconda download for non-developers

For users familiar with Anaconda, a 64-bit version of ROSCO is available through the conda-forge channel. In order to download the most recently compiled version release, from an anaconda powershell (Windows) or terminal (Mac/Linux) window, create a new anaconda virtual environment:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -y --name rosco-env python=3.8
conda activate rosco-env

navigate to your desired folder to save the compiled binary using:

cd <my_desired_folder>

and download the controller:

conda install -y ROSCO

This will download a compiled ROSCO binary file into the default filepath for any dynamic libraries downloaded via anaconda while in the ROSCO-env. The ROSCO binary file can be copied to your desired folder using:

cp $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/libdiscon.* .

on linux or:

copy %CONDA_PREFIX%/lib/libdiscon.* .

on Windows.

1.1.2. CMake for developers (Mac/linux)

CMake provides a straightforward option for many users, particularly those on a Mac or Linux. On Mac/Linux, ROSCO can be compiled by first cloning the source code from git using:

git clone https://github.com/NREL/ROSCO.git

And then compiling using CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

This will generate a file called libdiscon.so (Linux) or libdiscon.dylib (Mac) in the /ROSCO/install/lib directory.

1.1.3. CMake for developers/32-bit (Windows)

To compile ROSCO on Windows, you first need a Fortran compiler. If you need a 32-bit DLL, then we recommend installing MinGW (Section 2). If you require a 64-bit version, you can install the MSYS2 toolchain through conda:

conda install m2w64-toolchain libpython

Note that if you have the 64-bit toolchain installed in your environment, you might have conflicts with the 32-bit compiler. We recommend therefore keeping separate environments if you want to compile 32- or 64-bit.

Once you have your Fortran compiler successfully installed and configured, the build process is similar to on Mac and linux:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"

Note that the mingw32-make command is (confusingly) valid for both 64-bit and 32-bit MinGW.

This will generate a file called libdiscon.dll in the /ROSCO/install/lib directory.

1.2. Full ROSCO toolbox

We recommend using the full ROSCO toolbox so that you can leverage the entire toolchain.

1.2.1. Installing

Installation of the complete ROSCO toolbox is made easy through Anaconda. If you do not already have Anaconda installed on your machine, please install it.

Then please follow the following steps:

  1. Create a conda environment for ROSCO

    conda config --add channels conda-forge
    conda create -y --name rosco-env python=3.8
    conda activate rosco-env
  2. Install WISDEM

    conda install -y wisdem

You should then do step three or four. If you do not want to compile the ROSCO controller within the installation of the ROSCO toolbox, please follow the instructions for compiling_rosco.

  1. Clone and Install the ROSCO toolbox with ROSCO

    git clone https://github.com/NREL/ROSCO_toolbox.git
    cd ROSCO_toolbox
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    conda install compilers                                         # (Mac/Linux only)
    conda install m2w64-toolchain libpython     # (Windows only)
    python setup.py install --compile-rosco
  2. Clone and Install the ROSCO toolbox without ROSCO

git clone https://github.com/NREL/ROSCO_toolbox.git
cd ROSCO_toolbox
python setup.py install


If you wish to write your own scripts to leverage the ROSCO toolbox tools, but do not necessarily need the source code or to run any of the examples, the ROSCO toolbox is available via PyPi:

pip install rosco_toolbox

Note that if you do choose to install the ROSCO Toolbox this way, you will not have the source code. Additionally, you will need to download WISDEM and the ROSCO controller separately if you wish to use any of the ROSCO toolbox functionalities that need those software packages.

1.2.2. Updating the ROSCO Toolbox

Simple git commands should update the toolbox and controller as development continues: ` git pull git submodule update ` and then recompile and reinstall as necessary…

1.2.3. Getting Started

Please see a the Standard ROSCO Workflow for several example scripts using ROSCO and the ROSCO_toolbox.